The Egyptian President in 100 days Hossam ElShazly*
The Egyptian President in 100 Days....
Hossam ElShazly....
The First 100 days of the term of the first elected Egyptian President are close to an end. President Morsi, the first freely elected civilian President in the history of Egypt won the hearts & minds of more than 13 million Egyptians in the recent elections after the revolution based on the fact that he offered his people an overall project titled (ALNHDA Project). As an essential part of this project, Morsi promised to work hard on 5 critical files during his first 100 days in power; Bread Supply, Security, Waste, Garbage collection & treatment as well as Gasoline & Traffic.
Hossam ElShazly....
The First 100 days of the term of the first elected Egyptian President are close to an end. President Morsi, the first freely elected civilian President in the history of Egypt won the hearts & minds of more than 13 million Egyptians in the recent elections after the revolution based on the fact that he offered his people an overall project titled (ALNHDA Project). As an essential part of this project, Morsi promised to work hard on 5 critical files during his first 100 days in power; Bread Supply, Security, Waste, Garbage collection & treatment as well as Gasoline & Traffic.
Egyptians paid a high price in blood during the 18th
days revolution emerged from the famous ‘Al-Tahrir-square’ in Cairo and
extended to other countries in what’ referred to today as the ‘Arab Spring’. The dream and call was to have a free, democratic and justice Egypt.
With his first 100 days up to an end & with a lot of
issues associated to his presidency campaign & election, many
questions rise.
Can we say that Morsi succeeded in setting the
first corner stone for the now born democracy in the Middle East? How
we can evaluate his first 100 days? How the world sees the new Egypt?
Can he succeed to take Egypt out of the current economic crisis? How
the world sees this first 100 days of a Presidency-term of a former
leading Muslim Brotherhood figure?
Trying to answer these questions, we will explore the first
100 days of the making of the new Egypt in an orderly scholarly &
analytical approach. Looking into the performance of Morsi on three
areas, the local, regional & international affairs, we will try to evaluate and comment on his 100 days in power.
Morsi on Internal Affairs
Egypt faced a real challenge when it comes to its internal affairs after the revolution, with rising unemployment, fragile economic, security crisis, institutionalize corruption and military control, the new President has his major test ready and clear. Morsi was able to bring such a historic change when he finally ended the military rule in Egypt & set the country on the gate to its 1st
civil term. Military commanders controlled the country for decades
after the July coup against the last king Farouk in 1952. This ironic
step by Morsi led the world leaders to welcome the newly-born civilian
democracy in the Middle East.
For many decades, western leaders were unable to trust military rulers in the Middle East as they saw them as representatives of the old bad- history when Europe suffered similar model at
the time of world war two or before. Knowing that those military
Presidents brought a false a picture about their efforts to improve the
rule of democracy in their areas, the world seeks 3rd party help in international organizations to report the status of human rights & abuses in this region.
Morsi’s first cabinet headed by Hesham Qandil added to his record of achievements when confirmed its ability to create change and to operate in an environment clean of corruption and based on the integrity of those appointed cabinet members. Such values which were rare to find among politicians in Egypt for long time, particularly during Mobark term. Generally the cabinet is doing well achieving and recording good when it comes to fighting corruption, institutional restructuring and public service.
Integrity remains one main criterion when it comes to appointing new
ministers in Morsi’s first government. Qandil himself, the 1st Prime minster in Morsi term reflects these values as an honest hard working head of cabinet. However the cabinet fails short when it comes to skills of transparency and effective communication. The fact that the Prime Minister & his crew are unable to share the people their plan and vision is related to the technocratic structure of the cabinet which partially embossed on Morsi by military commanders during his early days on power. The structure of the 1st cabinet and the appointment of the 1st Prime Minister described as an early struggle of power between the newly elected President and the old fashioned military commanders. This resulted in a majority technocratic cabinet with 2nd line old regime reminisces occupied few positions among cabinet members.
It takes no analysis to understand that the same standards, same group of advisers were involved in the appointment of the new governors’ team
announced recently and included many unknown names and candidates
raising a lot of criticism among analysts and politicians. However it’s
my views that unknown- new- comers to the political field in Egypt should be seen as a good sign of change. It is one life fact that most of the known politicians during last decade in Egypt are currently either in prison,
involved in a court case or outside Egypt with no intention to return
back. I also see it as an important characteristic of the new ERA in
Egypt where the constitution, role of law, policies & regulations should stand to defend the right for every
Egyptian to plan, work and aim at occupying any higher position in the
government based on the new democratic system including the President
Is this means that the new cabinet structure and governors is perfect? The answer is absolutely NO! It’s
quite difficult to skip all the draw backs in the recruitment and
appointing processes during the early stage of the formation of any new
democracy. In the case of Egypt, the situation is much worse with a
country walking its first steps toward a new system built on the remains of an institutionalized corrupted regime that left Egypt with a near-to-collapse economic system and with no 2nd line of professional politicians.
Add to that the unlimited numbers of daily problems that occupies the
life of Egyptians everywhere including electricity & water supply,
unemployment, inflation, security and etc.
Although I am not in full agreement with the strategy of the administration in recruiting and appointing new candidates, I fully understand that ending the institution of corruption in Egypt will have its fruitful results sooner than later, and Turkey is one life model stand for that.
On one hand, it is of major importance to analyze the performance of President Morsi and his administration in the view of the total picture of moving toward a new just, free and democratic Egypt. On the other hand, it is clear that President Morsi succeeded to have a good
record on security, gasoline, institutional restructuring,
electricity& water supply and the initiative of the bread project. The last 100 days also witnessed a real positive mutation in the performance of the Egyptian stock market, the international grading of the banking sector, in addition to the kick-off several giant projects directly related unemployment rate and the social standards including the Samsung new factory and the giant international logistic project in the Suez-Canal region.
Morsi on Regional and International Affairs
Morsi performance recorded several amazing achievements on regional and international level as well .
Regionally, he was able to get Egypt back to its leading position within the African and Arabic countries, He dealt with the water problem in a good way,
he initiated the strategic role of Egypt in Africa as well as brings
Egypt to its chair within the Arab nations leading the initiative for tackling the Syrian problem, strengthen the Egypt-Gulf relations, and opened a door for productive dialogue with Iran. He attracted huge investments from Qatar and Saudi Arabia
to kick-off his developmental plans, when brings Sudan historic
relations back to its normal status. He maintained close relations with
the Arab-Spring countries and developed very close aligned relationship with Turkey. Within his 1st
100 days, Morsi was able to send a message that Egypt will have a major
role in the making of the new face of the Arab & African regions.
Internationally, Morsi maintained the strategic relations with United States at the critical time of the American elections when opened a new door for very productive and supportive relations with China. He developed stable and strong economic links with the EU and Japan and dealt professionally with the recent film crisis in the Middle East. He also laid the ground for important business ties with Italy, when introducing Egypt as strong & important player in international affairs via his recent speech in the United Nations.
Morsi’s ability to continuously surprising the world with
his outstanding performance will remain an opened question for analysts
and scholars. How he is able to do this at the time he is facing every type of confrontation back home in Egypt. How he is able to bring such performance; being the victim of a new political system that took him away from his party and his life-long aligned group as he had to resign from the Freedom & Justice party and from the Muslim Brotherhood immediately after being elected. It is the fact that he was
denied access to his life-made network of people and institutions;
nevertheless he acted very well with fewer resources in hand.
It is the life fact that well known established democracies
face unlimited challenges when trying to balance the picture between
the internal and international affairs and Obama status is one very good example. Moving very well toward his 2nd term in Presidency, he was not able to bring even 50% achievements of his first term promised program. The Turkish change Icon Erdogan publically stated that Morsi was able to achieve in months what Turkey achieved in Years.
Recently, another important question emerged with the confrontation in Al-Tahrir -square last week following
the announcement of news media that Morsi is replacing the General
Attorney of Egypt; one of the close allies to Mobark regime and his
removal remains one of the main requests by people during after the
Egyptian revolution. This situation brings us back to the
deficiency Morsi’s administration is suffering when it comes to their
ability to manage the process of creating an effective & dynamic
change and managing the direction and the outcomes of the process. This
recent dilemma is a direct result of the inability of the President
office to deal with the destructive criticism and the former regime
devil plans to destabilize Egypt.
However, it is real fact that most critics pointed at Morsi and his staff is originated from ‘stereotyping and pre-positioning’ status by his opponent based either on his former Muslim brotherhood link or based on political stand that aims at personal benefits away from the country interest. The majority of these current critics are not based on any
logical, scholar analysis or evaluation that requires fair & just
stand in addition to the continuous search for contrary evidence. It is my argument that with the maturation of the democratic system in Egypt this type of criticism will come to an end and will be replaced by constructive and analytical one that offer solutions, spread awareness and support differences in opinion.
It is also my understanding that the current
administration should have a major role in the creation, support and
maintenance of this type of constructive criticism for the sake of building a real and healthy democratic society in Egypt. The need for transparency, effective communication and knowledge transfer is imminent
to have the people as essential part of the change taking place
currently in the country. The world is looking forward for the emerging
of the new free and democratic Egypt to carry its responsibility in
making the new history of humanity and in acting as a gate for democracy
for the Arab and the Middle East region.
*Dr. Hossam ElShazly is the former Presidential
Candidate of Egypt 2012, the Political analyst and the International
Expert in Change management and member of the governing board at the
Supreme Committee of Political Forces (SCPF) in Egypt. He is the current
President of the International Operation at the Cambridge Philosophy
Institute Consulting in Switzerland and Senior Strategist with the CPI
Consulting Group. He is the former Special Advisor to Vice Rector at the
University of Hail in Saudi Arabia, the former Assistant dean for
Strategic Planning & Development , and the founder of the Strategic
Planning & Development Center at the UoH. He is a Fellow of the
Royal Society of Medicine in UK, Fellow of the Academy of Marketing
Science at the University of Miami (AMS), MCIM of the Chartered
institute of Marketing UK, and the former Professor of Strategic
Planning & Change Management at the CPI Corporate Center, HTW, HTF,
CMSD Switzerland. His area of research and writing focuses on change
management, political analysis, community development & strategic
planning. Dr. ElShazly acted as Senior Economic & Political
consultant for Royal figures & Governmental bodies as well as
international institutions in Europe & Middle East. He can be
reached via email at:
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